วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Approach a Girl With the Right Body Language

How to approach a girl when you have no idea what to say to her is not all that easy. But there are ways to overcome these hurdles. Preparing for the outcome is one of the most important things you can to do. You want to already have a successful outcome in your head. You want to prepare yourself for whatever you may run into out there. Getting right in your own head is the first step.

The second thing to do in how to approach a girl is look up a few resources that can help you understand if a girl is interested in you coming up to talk to her. There are a lot of signs that women give off to let a man know she is interested in talking to you. If you don't know what these signs are, then it will be really hard for you to know who to approach.

There are a lot of publication, videos and other material online that can help in this area. The more information you can process and put into the action the better off you will be when you finally get out there to meet someone.

The third thing in learning how to approach a girl is your confidence levels. Make sure you have a good idea how you want to come across to a girl. Don't come across as someone who you are not. Girls are really good at knowing when a guy is not being honest with them.

Be confident in who you are and live up to your own personality. If you don't have a lot of money then don't act like you have a lot of money. Contrary to popular belief, women don't just like a guy because he has a lot of money, a lot of muscles or a cool car. Women are much more complex than that.

Men who get girls based on just money, looks and other material objects may get a girl for a short amount of time, but end up losing her in the long run. These men do not possess the things a woman is truly looking for in a man. Confidence is a big one that all men need to have.

Finally you are going to really want to work the body Language. Most guys have no idea how this works and in the end will lose the girl to a more interesting guy. You may have seen this in a club. A guy walks up to a girl and starts to talk to her, yet at the end of the evening, she is leaving with someone else.

What ended up happening is the guy that originally started to talk to her did not have the proper seduction technique locked down. A conversation can only go so far with a girl. A guy needs to engage her emotional, sensual and sexual aspects to be worthy of her time. Most men never get to this level and hence will lose a girl in a club to another guy.

Learning how to approach a girl is all about skill. It is a skill set that can be learned and when done right, it works really well. Just keep in mind you want to master the techniques that will match who you are. You don't want to walk into a place all suave and sophisticated if you don't truly act that way in real life. Use the techniques to engage the girl not to change your overall personality.

