วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Improve Language and Speech Skills

I'm going to give you some advice to show you how to improve Language and speech skills. This is a wonderful goal for yourself to develop such skills. Most people don't the courage to learn these and would rather stay in their comfort zone. For that, I commend you.

Learn By Doing: This is part of the slogan from Toastmasters (a non-profit public speaking organization). This probably isn't what you wanted to hear, but it really is the truth. If you want to get better at this, you really need to just get up in front of people and speak. There is just no way around it. It is by far the best way of learning. You'll feel bad sometimes. You'll feel bad about mistakes and other little things. That happens. That's what it takes to be good because you learn from those mistakes and become a better speaker. It doesn't sound nice, but I guarantee there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Table Topics: This is another exercise that comes from Toastmasters. Basically the idea is that doing prepared speeches, only really practices so many different skills. There are other skills to harness that can really improve your Language skills and speaking on your toes. Table topics is a situation where you go up to the podium and you have no idea what you're going to talk about. Someone will give you a topic or scenario and you're supposed to give a speech on the spot. This probably scares most people and it is a bit scary, but the skills you learn from this are amazing. Forcing yourself to think on your feet, while standing in front of a crowd, can really push you past the nervous behavior that makes your mind go blank.

