วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Interpreting People's Body Language

Learning how to interpret body Language is a very useful skill when it comes to interacting with people. Movements and gestures are part of human communication. Subconscious movements are what comprise 93% of human communication. Speech accounts for only 7%. You can predict a person's thinking process or mood when you know how to interpret body Language. These actions are mostly subconscious. They can be a reaction to a situation or a biological response. Facial gestures, hand movements and posture are analyzed in kinesics, the study of human movements in communication. These physical expressions are used to support a statement or relate an idea.

When conversing with people, there are signs to watch out for. These signs may denote a negative attitude. These negative responses can be analyzed as discomfort when the person being analyzed is being untruthful or uninterested. Body Language gestures to look out for are eye positioning, posturing and hand gestures. Too much eye contact and the absence of may denote discomfort. Too much attention may signify a lack of trust. This lack of trust makes the person give their full attention. Leaning away also signifies distrust. This action means that the person wishes to move away. Scratching the jaw or touching the lobes of the ear is a sign of disbelief.

Body Language is also used to signal a level of comfort and intimacy. A distance of eight feet or more denotes a public distance. This type of distance is used in public functions such as watching a movie or listening to a lecture. This is used in large groups of observers. Four to eight feet denotes a social distance. Newly introduced people maintain this distance. Close enough to socialize, but not too close to signify association. Friends are distanced one and a half feet to four feet away. This signifies a level of trust. Distances shorter than those are reserved for people intimate to the person. Family, close friends and lovers are allowed this distance. This area of closeness signifies intimacy and a higher level of trust.

These are some signs to look out for when talking to another person.Remember, what people say may be different from what they are really feeling or thinking. It's easy to lie or be insincere, so never rely on their words alone. You can use your knowledge of body language to your advantage and become successful in your career, relationships, and whatever endeavour you may have that involves interacting with people.

